Jacqueline Coates is an internationally renowned Australian floral artist. She loves to share how to paint Blooms in her Blooms Painting Workshops & online Blooms teaching programs so others can experience the joy of painting too. Jacqueline believes anyone can learn to paint a masterpiece from scratch and create blooming beautiful painting outcomes.
'I started painting my Blooms artworks after a dream I had one night where I saw myself inside a beautiful deep red rose. It felt like I was in a velvety auditorium. An opera diva emerged from the centre of the rose and let forth a beautiful song that vibrated through my whole being. The rose then became a large scale painting I was painting in my dream. This was 30 years ago and I have been following this inner vision ever since, sharing my inspiration with others through teaching so others can experience this joy too.' Jacqueline divides her time between home in Australia and France where she has painting studios & teaches.
View the collections Jacqueline has collaborated on below.