Jenny Phillips, a Gold Medallist from The Australian National Print Awards 1998, The Royal Horticultural Society, London 1993, the Celia Rosser Award, has focused her drawing, watercolour skills, and love of gardening on botanical art since 1971. In doing so, she has developed her skill and knowledge to a remarkable level.

Jenny's ability to capture the 'essence', beauty and life of a plant, without compromising on botanical details, makes her work extremely collectable.
Her enthusiastic admiration and acknowledgement of the importance of plants, grew from her childhood memories of drought in rural Australia. Her insatiable love of detail and curiosity in the natural world, coupled with her desire to paint, has led her along a wonderful path: discovering the intricate beauty, fantastic functional design, patterns, colour, line and form found in nature, illustrated the best elements in art.

Observing and drawing plants truthfully, gave Jenny a humble satisfaction and an exciting wisdom.

Being able to share this love with like-minded souls, through her painting, teaching and now Ashdene, is a great joy.

View the collections Jenny has collaborated on below.

Jenny's Garden
Red Poppies

Purple Poppies